
WIN Comprehensive English is a series of 6 books from the pre-school to the primary level which turns reading and writing into interesting and enjoyable activities. The series encourages the students to become independent readers and writers while covering the core understanding of the language and remaining a comprehensive textbook.

SKU: WCE-0001 Category:

WIN Comprehensive English is a series of 6 books from the pre-school to the primary level which turns reading and writing into interesting and enjoyable activities. The series encourages the students to become independent readers and writers while covering the core understanding of the language and remaining a comprehensive textbook. This series will help students develop proficient reading and writing skills. The children will be encouraged to develop supplementary skills such as consulting dictionaries and developing an appreciation of different writing styles.


  • Different styles of writing
  • Learning from context
  • Composition exercises
  • Graduated level of difficulty
  • Exercises to improve written style

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